Ever wonder why our Chiropractor advises you to go for a walk every time after an adjustment?

A brisk walk after an adjustment, is one of the most important post care activities that will ultimately help you get the most out of your Chiropractic appointments and ensure that your adjustments last longer. As Chiropractors, our main goal when treating you, is to remove the dysfunctional joint complex (the subluxation), to facilitate your body to heal efficiently and to make you move and feel better. Our post care routine is paramount in assisting your body to do this. The post adjustment brisk walk is key, and this is why.

To Increase Spinal Mobility and to Reduce Spinal Pressure.

Brisk walking increases spinal mobility by enhances range of motion reducing stiffness through the stretching out of tight muscles and ligaments.

Better Circulation for the Spine.

Walking creates a pumping mechanism between the spine and discs. This action results in increasing blood circulation, therefore promoting nutrient flow into the spine and surrounding tissues. Toxins can build up in the lower back muscular tissues over time, causing stiffness. These Toxins can be flushed out and flexibility improved by going for a brisk walk.   Our daily activities, such as prolonged sitting can cause compression on our spinal discs, which act as a cushion for the vertebrae. Another positive effect from increasing circulation when walking, is the rehydration of the discs. The pumping action created when brisk walking, increases water absorption in the discs.

Improves Your Posture 

Holding your body in a sedentary position, such as when sitting at a desk or the extended use of a computer or a mobile device, often results in poor posture. When our posture is poor, it creates unnecessary pressure on our spine which can lead to tension, soreness, headaches and back pain. Brisk walking with arms swinging helps to put the spine in its normal upright position. When you walk correctly, good posture comes automatically. The ability to breathe better is also enhanced by having good posture, which in turn lessens fatigue and the other negative impacts of poor posture.

Weight Management and Weight Loss

Brisk Walking is a low impact mobility exercise, which has the non-surprising benefit of reducing unnecessary weight. Carrying excess weight can lead to back pain and reduce mobility. Extra weight carried in the abdomen area can distort the centre of gravity of our body, thus creating a swayback effect. The long-term effect of this can cause the subsequent misalignment and degeneration on our spine.



The benefits of walking A research summary: VicHealth – https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/-/media/ResourceCentre/PublicationsandResources/Physical-activity/VH_Benefits-of-Walking-Summary_final.pdf

4 Benefits of walking – https://www.chiro.org.au/4-back-benefits-of-walking/

Walking for good health – https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/walking-for-good-health

Benefits of walking and solo experiences in UK wild places – Freeman, E., Akhurst, J., Bannigan, K., & James, H. (2017). Benefits of walking and solo experiences in UK wild places. Health promotion international, 32(6), 1048–1056. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daw036